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Two-Way Radio For Police


This article appeared in the City of Dayton Annual Report for 1940


Two-Way Radio for Police




Superintendent of Telegraphs and Signals


WHAT FINER INAUGURATION could have been had for the use of our Safety Department’s newly installed high frequency radio car transmitters than to have used them in the protection of the President of the United States while on his inspection of defenses here in Dayton? Not only did it afford a means whereby reinforcing aid could have immediately been provided in case of necessity, but it permitted the Police Department to have direct contact with the entourage during the entire time of its movement, thus permit- [p. 60] ting coordinated handling of traffic.

     Reduced to an everyday use, we anticipate our radio car transmitters to materially aid the Police Department in expediting their response to calls addressed to them. Certainly it will be of great benefit to the Fire Department since the District Chiefs, having direct and immediate contact with the Fire Department Signal Operator, will be in a position to make inspections and investigations while on their rounds of duty. This he may do by detailing the driver of his car to remain in the car for contact with the Signal Operator, and should a call for his response be dispatched the driver has but to call the District Chief and proceed to the location of the dispatch.

     Dayton is fortunate in the respect that major rackets do not exist here, and we are practically free from major crime, but should necessity arise we are now prepared with the use of the two-way radio to combat more efficiently any condition that might be encountered, since officers in pursuit will be able to keep Headquarters advised of their locations, thereby enabling other officers to create blockades successfully.

     Specifically, a great improvement will be felt by motorists who have heretofore been inconvenienced by the long delays of traffic paralysis during periods of emergency when the Fire and/or Police Departments are moving in the downtown area. This improvement will be in the rapid restoration of  normal traffic flow by reason of the fact that moving emergency vehicles may now report by means of their car transmitter that they have passed through the emergency control lights, whereupon normal conditions may be restored without the Traffic Officer, at Third and Main Streets, advising them of the fact, as is now required.

     A total investment of $7,600.00 is represented in forty mobile car transmitters and their associated control equipment, and one remote, unattended receiver, antenna and concentric, antenna line feed-in for remote receiver.

     Operation, or maintenance costs, are not available due to the limited time the new equipment has been in operation. However, in view of our experience with the maintenance of radio car receivers, it is not expected that the total cost will exceed fen per cent of the original investment.

     Much is expected of our new acquisition, which is to be used in conjunction with our already successful one-way radio system, and if expectations are realized little short of perfection should be our results. [p. 61]