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Facts About Dayton
Dayton's Institutions




This is not intended to be a complete list of Dayton's institutions but is only a brief mention of those which have a direct bearing on the industrial life of the community.



The educational system of Dayton is under efficient management. The finest of school facilities have been provided for. There are more than 50 institutions of learning, including a normal college, 16 parochial schools, and a number of other schools offering special advantages.

University of Dayton—a Catholic college, is now carrying out a building extension program. Its enrollment is about 1,200 students of many religious denominations, from 26 states, and 12 foreign countries.  Its curriculum Includes arts and letters, science, engineering, commerce and law.

Antioch College—located a few miles east of Dayton, Is run on an interesting cooperative plan. There are about 500 students enrolled, many of whom are from other states. Many of these students get their practical training in Dayton industries.

Moraine Park School is known in educational circles for its experiments in scientific child training. Its main object is to train students in a practical way for vocations that tit their capacities, and which will best serve the times in which they live.

The Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. both have well organized educational departments with night classes providing splendid opportunity for specialized courses of training. Night courses are also taught in the city high schools.

Dayton has two up-to-date commercial colleges.



The Dayton Chamber of Commerce Is affiliated with the national organization of Chamber of Commerce. It is active and aggressive. It is in close touch with business affairs of the city, and is in position to render assistance along many different lines. It has been responsible for the organization of a Junior Chamber of Commerce, which is working in an effective way.



Working in close cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce is the Dayton Industrial Association, whose function is to keep in constant touch with the industrial trend of the city, and to lend its assistance toward maintaining in Dayton a well grounded Industrial balance.  It secures assistance for local industries found to be worthy of support, and it furnishes information to new industries which hold promise to successful growth. It is a clearing house for the industrial problems of the community.



Has over 200,000 volumes, as well as 1,300 copies of current periodicals. There are about 35,000 registered borrowers. There are 76 public library distributing agencies, including 10 branches; 31 public and parochial schools; 34 bookwagon stations for use of factories and suburbs, and a special Industrial and business library. Some of its educational features include book exhibits, book discussion groups and reading clubs, evening class university extension courses, public and children's museum, and cooperation in selection of books for schools, clubs and individuals.



Offers an exceptional opportunity at moderate cost for thorough training in commercial and decorative art. Free art training is given to talented children in its Saturday morning classes. Free exhibitions through-out the year, and a Circulating Gallery of portable pictures, (a feature originated here and extensively patronized) are among the special opportunities offered.



The Engineers' Club of Dayton has about 700 members. It is centrally located on spacious grounds in a building which was the gift of two of Dayton's leading citizens, both of whom are engineers. This Club makes possible the close association of engineers in the city, and provides an ideal meeting place for social and technical meetings. It is a strong influence toward helping Dayton to become an industrial city.


Y. M. C. A.

Has a total of more than 4,000 members. For a number of years the Dayton "Y" has been a leader in 16 types of service among Associations in cities up to 500,000 population. A recent new building campaign was highly successful, resulting in the financing of a complete new boys' building and a new building for colored men and boys.

Up to date facilities are available for educational, physical and moral development, and many unusual attractions are offered for industrial workers through the activities of the Industrial committee of the Association.


Y. W. C. A.

Has a large membership, and is well equipped, in a modern building. Women and girls in industry find many facilities and attractions at the "Y. W." Among these are the Federation of Industrial and Mercantile Clubs, a self-governing group of about 400 employed girls, and a Forewomen's Club which is developing an appropriate program under trained leaders.



A new Masonic Temple is in course of construction in one of the choicest sections of the city, just across the river from the central business district. This will be one of the finest buildings of its kind in the state of Ohio.



Conveniently located in the downtown district; is provided with facilities for indoor athletics, as well as lunch rooms, reading rooms, etc., equipped to handle large or small groups, and is a general meeting place for all Catholic organizations in the city.



Through the generosity of one of its leading citizens, Dayton was granted a deed for a 294 acre tract of natural forest, admirably adapted, and fully developed for country club purposes. The club is well suited for the accommodation of large gatherings. There are two 18-hole public golf courses, where golf may be played at a very nominal cost. The club is fully equipped with playground apparatus, baseball diamonds, tennis courts and a large dancing pavilion.

Rustic camps are located at well chosen points in the heart of the forest for private picnic parties, outings, etc. A net-work of driveways gives access to every part of the tract.



Located at the edge of the Community Country Club tract, and well equipped to handle summer parties. Excellent food and best service are obtainable at very reasonable cost.  Membership is open to any person of good moral character, and dues nominal. A limited number of accommodations are maintained for vacation facilities for girls who work in the city.



An organization of about 260 business and professional men, comfortably housed in a building close to the business center of the city. Adequate facilities for business conferences, social affairs, luncheon and dinner meetings, etc.



A very active and aggressive organization of more than 7,000 members. Is cooperating in handling traffic problems for the city and county, and performs excellent service, particularly in safety and traffic matters.



It Is not generally known that the National Association of Foremen was founded in Dayton, that the Foremen's Magazine (the official organ of the National Association), is published in Dayton, and that the retiring president of the Association is manager of one of Dayton's leading Industrial plants. The Dayton Foremen's Club is the local organization. It has 1,700 members, representing 238 concerns.  Its principal object is the training of foremen.



Aviation activities in Dayton center at Wright Field, a tract of 5,000 acres which Dayton citizens presented to the Government for the use of the Experimental and Research Department of the Army Air Service. These departments are now being moved to the new site from their former location at McCook Field. The tract includes the original flying field of the Wright Brothers, who flew the first heavier-than-air machine in 1903.

In addition there are five or six privately owned flying fields in and near the city, one of which has been designated as Dayton's Municipal Airport. The terrain in the vicinity of Dayton is favorable for flying, and there are numerous emergency landing fields In every direction.



A clearing house for all charitable and many welfare undertakings in the city, including at present 35 separate organizations. It relieves the citizens of all special appeals for purposes of this sort, solicitors for which, by common consent, are referred to the Chest. A fund of approximately $500,000 is raised each fall from 36,000 subscribers in all walks of life. The organization has been in existence for eight years, and is one of very few in the country which has never failed to reach its quota within the few days allotted for the drive.



A citizen’s agency, supported by endowments, organized to secure and report facts of the social, charitable and Governmental organizations of the city, and to cooperate with officials to Increase their effectiveness. It is non-political, and non-partisan, and confines itself to policies and methods with facts as a basis; has the confidence and support of the citizens in general, as well as the agencies with which it is working.



Dayton has a well managed recreational department, under city administration. There are about 30 parks, with a total area of 620 acres. Other park areas are being provided in the comprehensive City Plan. Play-grounds are located at points within halt a mile of the residential sections intended to be served.  Each playground is under constant supervision. Island Park—a 23-acre island in the Miami River, offers recreational features, including boating and bathing, within city limits. The tourist camp at Island Park, operated by the city, is said to be one of the most convenient and up-to-date in the country.



Dayton has four complete country clubs, and eight golf courses.



There are four large hospitals in and near the city, two for medical and surgical cases, the State Hospital for mental cases, and a sanitarium for tubercular cases. In addition there are several small private hospitals.



Dayton has five first-class hotels, and 11 listed in the Red Book as "leading." Work is just being started on a new hotel in the heart of the business district.



There are nine downtown theatres, seven of which conduct continuous performances. Several of the auditoriums are unusually attractive.



Dayton has 160 churches, many of them outstanding in point of architecture and equipment, representing 17 denominations, and with a membership of about 90,000. Church attendance is very good. There are several large and active men's Bible classes.



Three daily newspapers of general circulation, one morning and two evening, two of which publish a Sunday edition; also a German daily. Weekly journals Include a notable and rather conservative labor paper, and one for colored people.


The End



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