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Titles by Subject Matter - Fire Department

Constitution, By-Laws and Roll of Members of Independence Fire Engine and Hose Company, No. 1
by Independence Fire Engine and Hose Company Copyright 1835
Constitution, by-laws and names of members of Dayton's first volunteer fire department

The Dayton Fire Department
by Charles F. Sullivan Copyright 1942
A very nice history of the Dayton Fire Department up to 1942

The Duties of a Fireman
by C. J. Murphy Copyright 1940
What firemen did from 7am to 8pm while on duty. This article appeared in the City of Dayton Annual Report for 1940

Illustrated History of the Dayton Fire Department
by J. E. Brelsford Copyright 1900
The first one hundred years of how fires were put out in Dayton, as well as a list of its biggest fires 

Why Dayton Never Has A Big Fire
by Howard Burba Copyright 1931
How changes over the years in construction, civic pride and a great fire department made Dayton one of the best cities in terms of dealing with fires downtown. The artice appeared in the Dayton Daily News on January 25, 1931