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History of the Police Department of Dayton, Ohio
Ohio Police Association


Ohio Police Association


On the 14th of January, 1902, the first meeting of the Ohio Police Association was held at Columbus.  Eighteen cities were represented, and after effecting an organization, a constitution and by-laws were adopted and the following officers were elected: President, W. P. Tyier, Columbus, Ohio; First Vice-President, George E. Coover, Cleveland, Ohio; Second Vice-president, Fred H. Vogelmier, Newark, Ohio; Secretary-Treasurer, John C. Whittaker, Dayton, Ohio.

The object of the organization is shown in the following extracts from the constitution:


Official Board





SECTION 1. This body shall be known as the Ohio Police Association, and shall be composed of Chiefs of Police, City Marshals, Sheriffs, and heads of regularly organized Detective Associations of the State of Ohio.

SEC. 2. The object of this Association is to perform and build up an official and mutual friendship between the several Departments of Police of the State of Ohio; to devise methods and suggest ways and means for the advancement and perfection of a uniform Police and Detective system within the State of Ohio; also the reading and discussing of papers upon Police experiences that will be of interest to the Association.





SECTION 1. The Association membership shall be divided into two classes: first, Active; second. Honorary.

SEC. 2. Active members shall consist of Superintendents, Chiefs of Police, Detectives and Officers of Police Departments, City Marshals, Sheriffs, and heads of regularly constituted Detective Agencies of all cities, incorporated towns and villages of the State that have regularly salaried Superintendent, Chief of Police, or City Marshal,

SEC. 3. Honorary members shall consist of Police Commissioners, Directors of Departments of Public Safety, Mayors of cities. Presidents of incorporated towns or villages, and such other officials as have charge of Police Departments in any city, incorporated town, or village.

Among a number of interesting and instructive papers read at the first meeting was one by Colonel Phil Deitsch, Superintendent of Police of Cincinnati, on the. subject of safe-blowing, and another by Superintendent John C. Whitaker, of Dayton, on the subject of pawnshops. The latter also presented a blank form for reports of stolen watches that may be placed in pawnshops, the plan being for an exchange of daily reports with all  police departments in cities and towns having pawn brokers' shops.

The second meeting was held in Cleveland, February 3 and 4, 1903. By this time the membership had increased to forty-five. The following year, when they met at Zanesville for the third meeting, a further increase to sixty-six was noted in the membership.

The objects of the Association are further shown in the following quotation taken from the address of Secretary-Treasurer John C. Whitaker at the Toledo meeting, January 24 and 25, 1905:

"January 19, 1902, the date of organization, is one that will long be remembered by those present, for it was what we commonly call a 'hot one.' Discussions upon various subjects relative to the foundation of, and the law to govern the association communication from one chief to another by telephone, etc., were numerous and quite hearted, but from those discussions and the interest manifested has grown this splendid, well-organized, and social Association of men who by experience have learned to accept the inevitable, to press forward and strike valiantly against the stronghold of the adversary, never yielding until that adversary capitulates. The bonds of friendship have grown stronger on account of the acquaintances formed at these annual meetings; in fact, we are all interested in each other's success and welfare. May we this day resolve to do all in our power to secure the membership of every qualified officer of the law in this great State, and thereby weave a net so secure that no guilty person can possibly escape punishment commensurate with his crime. When we have come to a realization of the fact that whatever may be of interest to one Chief of Police, City Marshal, Sheriff, or Detective is of interest to all, then we will accomplish the purpose of our organization. The escape of a criminal from my city leaves him at large and he will alight in some other city and engage in his lawlessness. Therefore we are, or ought to he interested in the crime and criminal, regardless of where committed or who committed It. United, success will crown our efforts; divided, failure will surely overtake us.

"Be just and manly in all that you do.

Dare to do right and strive to be true.'"

The roster for this, the third year of the organization, showed a membership of ninety-nine.

The fifth meeting was held at Springfield, October 17 and 18, 1905, at which time the Secretary reported a membership of one hundred and thirteen. This meeting, as all of those of the past, was characterized by the reading of valuable papers, instructive discussions, and the interchange of ideas pertaining to the conduct of the departments in the respective cities of the members.

The last meeting was held at Youngstown, Ohio, October 16, 1906. The steady growth of the organization is shown by the report of the Secretary, which shows the nattering number of one hundred and thirty-one members in good standing.

Of the nineteen charter-members, but seven are still connected with the organization. Four have been removed by death, the others having retired from active police service.

October 22, 1902, the present municipal code was adopted, creating a Board of Public Service having control of police affairs. According to the provisions of the law, the title of Superintendent of Police was changed to Chief, and John C. Whitaker was continued in office under the new title.

 In 1902-03, Hon. Chas. A. Snyder was Mayor; C. E. Underwood, J. R. Lindemuth, Orion Dodds, and W. C. Kennedy, Directors. On June 4, 1903, this Board was superseded by the Board of Public Safety, the members of which were Edward S. Durst and Charles S. Hall. As shown elsewhere in the history, Mr. Durst was succeeded by Mr. Warren Hall, and upon the death of Mayor Snyder his place was filled by the President of the Council, Calvin D. Wright.


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