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Great Days in Dayton
Thunder in the North


“Great Days in Dayton”


Reproduced on these pages is the full script of a “Great Days in Dayton” broadcast. All music and sound effect “cues” are indicated just as they appear on the working scripts used by the cast. The sponsor hopes that you will find interesting these dramatized episodes from the life story of your city.


“Great Days in Dayton” is a Presentation Sponsored by







Theme Starts fortissimo, then fades behind

ANNOUNCER:  Great Days in Dayton!”


ANNOUNCER:  Each Sunday at this hour The Dayton Power and Light Company brings you a new chapter from the thrilling history of Dayton.  It is history presented in vivid dramatic form…actual events from Dayton’s past re-enacted for Daytonians of today.  Our programs originate in the auditorium of the Dayton Art Institute, and this means that you and your friends can see as well as hear a “Great Days in Dayton” broadcast.  Later we’ll tell you just how you can take advantage of this opportunity.  But now let me present your master of ceremonies, Mr. Charles McLean, who will set the scene for today’s drama.





NARRATOR:  In our earlier programs we witnessed the birth and infancy of Dayton, shared the struggles and trials of the early settlers.  Last week we relived with our forefathers Dayton’s first great crisis, the threatened loss of every Dayton home, every acre of Dayton land.  We saw how a strong civic spirit, led by the courage and resolution of one citizen, averted that tragedy.  We shall see that spirit again and again, animating the people of Dayton as a whole.  And it is the hope of our sponsors, The Dayton Power and Light Company, that through the presentation of these historical dramas we shall all come to still stronger faith in civic spirit as the guiding force in Dayton’s future.  (PAUSE.)  Today we present “Thunder in the North,” the drama of Dayton’s part in the War of 1812.  Our play opens in the spring of that year.  At Newcom’s tavern Colonel George Newcom is talking with Daniel Cooper and Sam Thompson, leaders in the pioneer community.




NEWCOM:  I tell you war would be bad for the whole country, and worse for Dayton.  We’ve come a long way in these few years.  Ohio’s a state, Dayton’s the seat of its own county, Montgomery; we ain’t bossed any more by commissioners in Cincinnati.  There’s a lot o’ people livin’ here.  I know the tax list don’t show no more’n four or five hundred, but my guess would be close to a thousand.  We got a brick courthouse and five other brick houses.   We’re buildin’ frame houses instead o’ log cabins now.  There’s five taverns beside mine…and I ain’t complainin’…and we got a newspaper, a tannery, a brewery, a sawmill and nobody knows how many other goin’ business concerns.   All that’ll suffer if we go to war.

 COOPER:  But, George, maybe we’ll suffer worse if we don’t.  American freedom is more than a school-book principle.  It’s a way of life, and maybe we’ll have to fight for it.  There are British troops in Canada.  They’ve stirred up the Indians against us.  If we don’t defend ourselves they’ll over-run the whole state…killing, scalping and burning.  Dayton won’t escape that, and we’ll lose everything we’ve worked for.

THOMPSON:  I agree with Dan, George.  I hope the government can settle the trouble without war.  But if it can’t, I say fight!  If we don’t, we’ll be just where we were before…British subjects paying heavy British taxes.   Ohio will be a colony instead of a state.

NEWCOM:  Well, I still say that…[Loud knocking.]  Come in, come in.  [Heavy door opens.]

MORTON:  Colonel Newcom?

NEWCOM:  That’s me.  Who are you?

MORTON:  I’m Lieutenant Morton, of Governor Meigs’ staff, at Columbus.  I have a proclamation from the Governor to the people of Ohio.  Can the citizens of Dayton be assembled to hear it?

NEWCOM:  They sure can.  When the bell at Newcom’s tavern starts to ringin’, Dayton folks come a-runnin’.  You just watch! Joe! You, Joe!  Bear down hard on that bell rope. [Music.]



 [Bell, fast.  Faint sounds off, growing to crowd sounds coming close on.  Bell stops].  [Music.]                                                                                            


NEWCOM:  Move in close, folks, so you can all hear.  [Crowd sound fades.]  Folks, this here is Lieutenant Morton.  He’s got a proclamation from Governor Meigs.  We’re all to listen to him.  Quiet, back there.  [Crowd sound out.]  [Aside]  Climb right up on this barrel, son.

MORTON:  To the people of the State of Ohio:  I, Jonathan Meigs, Governor, upon request of James Madison, President of the United States, do hereby order that the various divisions and brigades of the militia of Ohio shall assemble for the defense of the State and of the United States of America.  The said assembly shall take place with all expedition under the direction of division and brigade commanders.  The place of assembly shall be at the town of Dayton.  [Cheers.  Crowd sound.]

COOPER:  Well, George, you see how Dayton people feel about it.

NEWCOM:  I sure do.  (PAUSE.)  And if it’s war, I won’t be the one to hold back.  [Music.]



NARRATOR:  While Dayton as a whole prepares for war, let us visit one family, the Bradleys and see what the prospect of war meant to them.  [Music.  Table sounds.]

MARY:  John Bradley, I want you and Henry to eat your dinner.  It seems like this war talk has taken both your appetites.

JOHN:  Yes, Ma, but you see Henry and I have been talkin’ it over and…..

WILL:  And what, son?

JOHN:  You tell ‘em, Henry.

HENRY:  Well, Pa, you see John and I want to join the militia.

MARY:  Join the militia.  Oh, Will, don’t let them!  They’re both too young.

JOHN:  No, we’re not, Ma.  Henry’s eighteen and I’m seventeen.  Lots of militia boys are younger than us.  You’ll let us, won’t you, Pa?

WILL:  You don’t know what war is.  I was with General Wayne in the Indian campaigns and…

HENRY:  Oh, sure, Pa.  Mr. Van Cleve’s told us all about the Indian wars at school.  We ain’t afraid.

MARY:  [Frightened.]  Oh, Will, please don’t. 

WILL:  I know how you feel, Mary.  And I hate war even more than you do.  But there are times when men, perhaps even boys like John and Henry, have to defend their country.  There have been Bradleys in every war since this country was first settled.  Old Adam Bradley was killed at Bunker Hill.

MARY:  [Tearfully.]  But, Will, I couldn’t bear the idea of John and Henry going off to war.  I…..

JOHN:  Don’t cry, Ma.  Henry and I will be all right.

HENRY:  Pa, you just wait ‘til you see the new Dayton militia company.  We’ll have real rifles with bayonets, and long knives and tomahawks and our own powder horns and knapsacks, and…. [Music]  




WILL:  Mary, Dayton will have to do something for the soldiers who are camped here.

MARY:  Why, of course, Will.  With John and Henry in the militia I wouldn’t feel right unless we did everything we could.

WILL:  It’ll be a pretty big job.  There are about a thousand troops camped up there on the Cooper Common.  They’re well armed and well fed, but that’s all.  There are few tents and fewer blankets.  Most of the men are sleeping on the bare ground, and the nights are still pretty cold.

MARY:  Oh, Will, that’s awful.

WILL:  Governor Meigs has issued an appeal for help. It’s published in today’s Centinel.  I’ll read it to you.  (PAUSE.)  Citizens of Ohio!  This appeal is made to you.  Let each family furnish one or more blankets and the requisite number will be completed.  Mothers!  Sisters!  Wives!  Recollect that the men, in whose favor this appeal is made, have connections as dear as any that bind you to life.  These they have voluntarily abandoned, trusting that the integrity and patriotism of their fellow-citizens will supply every requisite for themselves and their families; and trusting that the same spirit which enabled their fathers to achieve their independence, will enable their sons to defend it.  (PAUSE.)  You see, Mary, it’s pretty serious.  What do you suppose we can do about it?

MARY:  Do about it?  Why, collect blankets right away.  And that’s something the women can do better

than the men.  Let’s see now.  There’ll be Mrs. Robert Patterson and her daughter, Mrs. Henry Brown, and Mrs. Huston and Mrs. Archer and…. oh, a dozen more that will be glad to help.  [Music.]



  [Hum of women’s voices.]

MARY:  Now, let’s count the blankets we collected today.  How many, Mrs. Patterson?

VOICE 1:  Nineteen, Mrs. Bradley.

MARY:  Mrs. Archer?

VOICE 2:  Twenty-eight.

MARY:  Mrs. Brown?

VOICE 3:  Thirty-seven so far, Mrs. Bradley, and I expect to get six more this afternoon.  The, tomorrow, Henry is going to take me out through Wayne township.  We’re gong to every single farm, and I’m sure we’ll collect a lot more then.

MARY:  That’s fine!  Now, let’s see.  Five, eight, thirteen, twenty-one…m-m-m-m… and carry four…m-m-m-m-how much is nine and seven?  (PAUSE.)

VOICE 1:  Fifteen.

MARY:  Fifteen?

VOICE 2:  No, it’s sixteen.

MARY:  That’s right, sixteen.  Well, anyway, we’ve collected more than a hundred and fifty blankets up to today.  Now if we all work just as hard as we can tomorrow….. [Music]                



NARRATOR:  Throughout that spring troops assembled at Dayton, coming from all parts of Ohio and from Kentucky as well.  New companies and battalions arrived almost daily.  They were encamped not only in the town, but to the north and south along the river.  And all of them enjoyed the hospitality and active help of Dayton’s citizens.  Training, drilling, and equipping went on day and night.  Soon this growing army of the Northwest was ready to be mustered into the Federal service.  That ceremony took place on May 25, 1812, when the entire force was drawn up in parade formation on the ground that is now Cooper Park.  [Music.]  [Gun booms.]    



NEWCOM:  There goes the Governor’s salute, Sam.  [Cheers off.]  And here they come, the Governor and his staff.  That must be General Hull ridin’ there on the Governor’s left.  [Gun Booms.] 

THOMPSON:  It sure makes a stirrin’ sight, George.  The troops look mighty good lined up there.  [Gun booms.  Fifes and drums off.  Crowd sound on.] 

VOICE:  [Off.]  Batallion, attention!  Present arms!  [Long roll of drums.  Silence.] 

MEIGS:  Soldiers of Ohio!   You have shown your ready patriotism by assembling quickly and undertaking hard training.  The time has now come for you to enter fully into the military service.  (PAUSE.)  By virtue of the authority invested in me as Governor of the State of Ohio, I now transfer command of the State and Territorial troops here assembled to General Will Hull for service with other armed forces of the United States.  [Cheers.  Roll of Drums.  Silence.]   

HULL:  Governor Meigs, soldiers and citizens of Ohio, I accept this command on behalf of the Commander-in Chief of the United States Army, and for the defense of the State of Ohio and the Northwest Territory against the threatened attack of the common enemy.  [Cheers.]  The troops will pass in review!  [Cheers.  Flourish of trumpets.] 

VOICES: [Each farther off.]  Pass in review!…Pass in review!…Pass in review!  [Fifes and drums.  Marching sound.]  [Music.] 



NARRATOR:  All troops in the Dayton area, numbering now more that fifteen hundred, were moved to Camp Meigs, east of town near the Mad River.  A week later, on May thirty-first, they were ready to march north toward Detroit. The whole town turned out to see them off.  [Music.]  [Bugle.  Crowd sound off.] 



JOHN:  [Disgustedly.]  Gee, Pa, it ain’t fair.  Here’s the whole Ohio army marchin’ off to fight, and our militia company is left behind. 

WILL:  But, John, you boys will be guarding the army’s line of supplies.  That’s mighty important.

HENRY:  But it ain’t fighting, Pa. Captain Austin’s just as mad as me and John and the rest of the boys.

MARY:  I’m sure that General Hull knows best, Henry.  He must have a good reason for leaving your militia company to do guard work.  It’s important, just like your father says.

JOHN:  Maybe so, but Henry and I and all the rest of the boys joined up to go to war.  And now we’ll be standin’ guard over barrels of flour and the like.  It ain’t fair, I say.  [Bugle off.] 

WILL:  They’re fine looking troops, fine as any we had under General Wayne. They’ll give a good account of themselves.  [Bugle louder.] 

VOICE:  [Off.]  Fall in!  Fall in!  [Long flourish of fifes and drums.] 

HULL:  [Off.]  The Army of the Northwest will proceed as follows:  First, the scout company, rangers and cavalry, which will supply the advance guard.  Next, the infantry. First Regiment under Colonel McArthur, Second under Colonel Findlay, Third under Colonel Cass.  The rear will be brought up by the wagon supply train, pack horses and cavalry remounts.  (PAUSE.)  Regimental Commanders, take your posts!  [Long flourish of bugles.] 

VOICE:  [Off.]  First Regiment, squads right!…[Farther.]  Second Regiment, squads right!…[Farther.]  Third Regiment squads right!…[Bugle blast.]  March!  [Fifes and drums.  Marching sound.]  [Music.]                                                                      



NARRATOR:  War was declared on June sixteenth, and during the early summer months Dayton waited eagerly for each report brought by couriers from Hull’s army in the north. The Ohio Centinel, Dayton’s newspaper, published Hull’s probable plan of campaign…to invade Canada and attack the British and Indian forces at Malden under the command of General Brock.  Victory seemed certain for the American troops, since they greatly outnumbered the enemy.  (PAUSE.)  And then, on August twenty-second, another courier arrived.  [Music.]  [Hoofbeats coming on.] 



NEWCOM:  He’s ridin’ mighty hard for ordinary news, Sam.  Do you reckon Hull’s whipped the British already?

THOMPSON:  Might be, George.  [Hoofbeats on to stop.] 
COURIER:  [Breathless.]  Colonel Newcom!  Mr. Thompson!  Get Captain Austin, quick!  Have him assemble the Dayton militia company here as soon as he can.
NEWCOM:  What’s the matter, son?

COURIER:  General Hull has surrendered.

NEWCOM:  Well, I’ll be…..

THOMPSON:  Surrendered?  Why, that can’t be!

COURIER:  He has, I tell you!  The troops themselves couldn’t believe it.  We had twenty-five hundred men to their fifteen hundred, thirty-eight cannon to their five, and we held Fort Dearborn at Detroit.  And then…General Hull surrendered without firing a shot.

NEWCOM:  Why didn’t he…

COURIER:  Can’t tell you any more.  Haven’t time.  I’ve got to get on to Cincinnati.  But here are the Dayton orders.  All guard militia to prepare for immediate field service.  New volunteer companies to be formed.  A new commanding general will be appointed.  (PAUSE.)  There are the orders.  But here’s something else, Colonel Newcom, and every man in Dayton ought to know it.  There’s nothing now between the enemy troops and the Ohio settlements except a few miles of open territory and a few weak outposts.

NEWCOM:  We know what that means, all right.  We’ll do something about it and mighty fast.

COURIER:  Good-bye, Colonel.

NEWCOM:  Good luck.  [Hoof beats receding.]  [Music.] 



 AUSTIN:  Every man in this militia company has got to act as a recruiting sergeant.  We must get up to full strength as soon as possible.  George Blair!

BLAIR:  Yes, sir.

AUSTIN:  You and William Archer will cover the southern half of the county tomorrow.  Enlist every man you can.  Henry Bradley!

HENRY:  Yes, sir.

AUSTIN:  You and your brother John will take the northern half.  Can you get horses?

HENRY:  Yes, sir.  Pa’s and Mr. Huston’s.

AUSTIN:  Good.  I want you to cover every farm.  Tell them to bring whatever weapons they have…rifles or muskets… and powder and shot, too.  Most of the munition stores were lost when Hull surrendered.  [Music.]



NARRATOR:  Within two days Montgomery County had organized six new militia companies.  One of them marched to Piqua and brought back military stores left there by Hull’s ill-fated expedition.  Two other companies set about building blockhouses across upper Montgomery and Preble counties.  More troops, horse and foot, soon arrived from the southern counties and from Kentucky and Indiana.  Dayton echoed day and night to fifes and drums, to marching feet.  But the greatest encouragement lay in the appointment of a new general in command of the reconstructed army of the Northwest, William Henry Harrison, hero of the great Indian was of Tippecanoe, came to Dayton and made it the principal army supply base for the forthcoming campaign.  [Music.]



HARRISON:  Colonel Patterson.

PATTERSON:  Yes, General Harrison.

HARRISON:  Part of General Hull’s trouble was that he feared the loss of his supplies.  I want to you establish a supply base here at Dayton so big and so well operated that I’ll never have to worry about rations and the like while I’m with the combat troops up north.

PATTERSON:  Yes, General.

HARRISON:  You’ll need a lot of help, particularly in the forage work…getting up the supplies from the farms all through the southern part of the state.  Have you got a good man to do that?

PATTERSON:  My son-in-law here.  I’m sure he can do it.

HARRISON:  What’s your name, young man?

BROWN:  Henry Brown, sir.  I’ve been assistant to the Indian agent here for two or three years.

HARRISON:  You know the farmers through this country?
BROWN:  Yes, sir, all of them.  I know who’s raising beef cattle and hogs.  We ought to be able to get a fair number of mules and draft horses, and I think I can find some saddle horses.  If the army is willing to pay a fair price, I’m sure we can buy up most of the corn, wheat and rye that will be raised around here this summer.  And I know where I can buy at least fifteen good wagons within the next two weeks.

HARRISON:  That’s the kind of talk I like to hear.  You’ll work under colonel Patterson, then.

BROWN:  Yes, sir.

HARRISON:  and here’s something else, both of you.  I’m going to move this new army out of Dayton three weeks from today.  I want all the supplies you can collect by that time.  And I want them to keep coming after that.  You and Mr. Brown, Colonel, will be responsible for seeing that the supply base here at Dayton can fill every requisition I send down from the north.

PATTERSON:  I understand, General.  I think you can count on us.

HARRISON:  Good.  Now…when the army marches out of Dayton this time, you’re not going to hear a lot of fine speeches, and there won’t be any parading.  But you can bet that the troops will be well equipped, well supplied, well trained and ready to fight.  [Music.]  [Bugle off.]



VOICE:  How soon will you have your company formed, Captain Austin?

AUSTIN:  In a few moments, sir.

VOICE:  Good.  We’ll move out then.

AUSTIN:  Yes, sir.  [Bugle off.]

WILL:   Captain Austin, you’ve got a company of real soldiers…even if my two boys are in it.

AUSTIN:  [Laughing.]  Thank you, Mr. Bradley.  And your boys are all right.  John and Henry are good soldiers.

MARY:  Oh, Captain Austin, you will take care of them, won’t you?

AUSTIN:  I’ll try my best, Mrs. Bradley.  I’ll be gong now.  Good-bye.

MARY:  Good-bye, Captain.

WILL:  Mary, here come John and Henry.  Try to smile when you tell them good-bye.

JOHN:  Hello, Pa.  Hello, Ma.  Gee it’s great to be moving out at last.  We’ll be starting in a couple of minutes.

WILL:  “Good luck to you, boys.  And remember…keep your powder dry.

HENRY:  Sure, Pa.  Captain Austin’s been poundin’ that into us day and night.  [Bugle off.] 

VOICE:  [Off.]  Fall in!

JOHN:  Well…

HENRY:  Well, Pa…

MARY:  [Almost breaking.]  My boys!  My two dear boys!  I…I just can’t bear to see you go!

JOHN:  There, there, Ma, don’t you cry.

HENRY:  We’ll be all right, Ma.  Don’t you worry about us!  [Bugle louder.] 

VOICE:  [Off.]  Fall in!  Fall in!  [Music.]

  [Marching troops.] 



JOHN:  Gee, this knapsack’s heavy!  Didn’t seem to weigh anything around camp, but it’s got my shoulder cut half in two now.  How you getting’ on, Henry?

HENRY:  All right, John, only it seems like we’ve been marching all day, and it’s not noon yet.

VOICE 1:  You Dayton boys know where we’re headed for?  Us Kentucky troops ain’t been around long enough to find out.

JOHN:  There was a rumor around camp that we’re going clear to Lake Erie.

VOICE 1:  Yeah.  Well, I know all about them camp rumors.  Probably find ourselves stuck at Urbana for the rest of the war, guardin’ roads and such.  And me itchin’ to get a shot at them redcoats and Indians!

VOICE 2:  [Off.]  You’ll get your chance, Kentucky, if you’re facin’ front instead o’ toward home when the shootin’ begins.

VOICE 1:  Who said that?  Them’s fightin’ words.  I’ll…[Laughter.] 

VOICES:  [Singing off.]   Yankee Doodle cam to town (etc.)  [First stanza complete, behind…]

JOHN:  Gee, I’m thirsty!  [Marching sound up.] [ Music.]



NEWCOM: Joe!  You, Joe!

JOE:  Hyar I is, Cunnel Newcom, suh.

NEWCOM:  And about time.  You git that jug like I told you to, and put it right here on the table.  Me and Mr. Cooper and Mr. Thompson are parched so dry that I can’t talk and they can’t listen.

JOE:  Yes, suh, Cunnel.

NEWCOM:  Well, like I say, I was wrong all the time.  I ain’t one to welcome war on any account. But there’s no denyin’ it’s helped trade in Dayton this last year.  Thousands o’ troops passin’ through an’ campin’ here.  That’s meant thousands to be fed and clothed.  Dayton folks have sold the Army a big sight of grain, flour and salt meat.  And we’ve had the trade of wagon trains rollin’ up toward the front an’ boats goin’ up the river.

COOPER:  You’re right, George.  The war’s helped Dayton for the time being.  I know it’s helped me.  I got my mill race dug in a hurry by being able to hire soldier labor while the troops were waiting to be mustered in.  Still, we got to look ahead.  War prosperity isn’t good prosperity.  We’re likely to have a slump afterward. 

THOMPSON:  I think Dan’s right, George. Besides, it seems to me…Say, here comes Will Bradley.  Maybe he’s got word from his boys at the front.

NEWCOM:  Come right over and set down, Will.  Joe!  Bring another mug!  Heard from John and Henry, Will?     

WILL:  Just today.  They’re at Fort Meigs.  That’s up near the mouth of the Maumee, close to Lake Erie.  John says it’s a mighty fine fort, covering about ten acres and well built.  He says it will stand any kind of attack.  General Harrison is in command.

COOPER:  How about the British and Indians, Will?

WILL:  They were camped at Malden on the Canadian side all winter.  But John says there’ve been scouting parties seen near the fort lately, and our boys are expecting an attack.

NEWCOM:  The Redcoats will git more than they’re countin’ on if they go attackin’ Harrison.  And the Indians ain’t forgot what he done to ’em at Tippecanoe.  Now, if I was Harrison, I tell you what I’d do…




[Muffled shots, off.]

VOICE:  [Faint off.]  Corporal of the guard!  [knock on door.]

HARRISON:  Come in.  [Door opens.  Brisk footsteps on to halt.] 

AUSTIN:  Captain Austin, reporting to General Harrison.

HARRISON:  At ease, Captain.  You know that I had a message from Proctor, the British commander, late this afternoon.

AUSTIN:  Yes, sir.

HARRISON:  He demands our immediate surrender.  I told him where he could go.  But…Procter’s got three thousand troops, including regulars, Canadian militia, and Indians.  And our garrison is only eight hundred.  Now…I want a patrol to go out tonight and find out whether they’re bringing up any cannon on this side of the river.  It’s a volunteer job.  I won’t order you to go, or any of your men.

AUSTIN:  I’ll take it, sir.  And I’ll ask my company for volunteers.

HARRISON:  Thank you, Captain Austin.  That’s all…oh, and good luck!

AUSTIN:  Thank you, sir.  [Music.]



[Night sounds.  Crickets, frogs, etc.  Distant shots.]

AUSTIN:  Easy boys.  Stay low and follow me till we reach the river bank.  Then we’ll spread out and look around.  [Loud brush sound.]  Quiet, back there!  [Soft brush sound.  Running water.]

VOICE:  Captain, look down there along the bank.  See, over there against that patch of open sky.  Something’s moving.

AUSTIN:  S-h-h-h.  Listen.
VOICE:  [Cockney, on loud.]  Heave on those lines.  Swing that piece around toward the fort.  [Grunts.  Creaking ropes.]  Bartell, go up the bank a bit and find a log to bridge this mud-hole.  [Brush sound coming on.]

AUSTIN:   Lie low!  Lie low!

VOICE:  Let me pot him, Captain.  He’s comin’ right toward us.  I can see him plain as day.

AUSTIN:  Lie low, I tell you!  [Brush sound on.]

VOICE:  [Cockney, on, loud.]  Rebels, Gor blimey!  Rebels!  [Battle sounds, Shots, shouts, Indian yells.]

AUSTIN:  Back to the fort, boys!  Back to the fort!  [Battle sounds continue.  Running footsteps.]

AUSTIN:  Patrol!  Patrol coming in!  Open the gate!  Patrol!  [Heavy wood creaking.  Crash of closing gate.  Shots and yells off.]

AUSTIN:  We’ve made it!  Are you all right, all of you?  I can’t see you.  Frank Pierce?

PIERCE:  Here, sir.

AUSTIN:  George Blair?

BLAIR:  Here, sir.

AUSTIN:  Bill Archer?

BLAIR:  Here, sir.

AUSTIN:  John Bradley?

JOHN:  Here, sir.

AUSTIN:  Henry Bradley?… Henry Bradley?… [Music in softly over…]  Henry Bradley?  [Music.]



[Excited chatter, laughter, concertina off.]

NEWCOM:  Folks, I’m mighty glad to have you all here.  There’s been lots o’ times you’ve met at Newcom’s tavern to talk over our troubles.  But tonight we’re going to have a real celebration.  You’ve all heard the news.  We’ve licked the British at Fort Meigs, and licked ’em good, too.  There’ll be no more trouble from Redcoats and Indians in this state.  I ain’t sayin’ the war’s over.  There’s British ships on Lake Erie, but we’ll do something about that, too, in good time.  We’re rejoicin’ tonight because our boys are comin’ home to us.  They’ll be marchin’ in along the Mad River road tomorrow morning and every single soul in Dayton ought to be out there to greet ’em.  All of ’em will be welcome right here at this tavern, and I know they’ll be welcome at every other house in Dayton, too.  Now…strike up that music again.  [Concertina in.]  Joe!  You, Joe!  Git busy broachin’ that new barrel.  [Chatter, laughter and concertina up.] [Music.]



[Crowd sound.  Fifes and drum off.  Cheers on.]

WILL:  Here they come, Mary.

MARY:  Yes, Will.  Can you see their faces yet?  Can you see John and Henry?

WILL:  Not yet.  They’re too far away.

MARY:  Let me hold your arm, Will.  [Marching sound coming on.  Fifes and drums up.  Cheers on.]

WILL:  Now we can see them better.

MARY:  Yes, yes.  There’s Captain Austin at the head of the company.  They look so tired, Will.

WILL:  They must be.  They’ve had a long, hard march.  [Marching, fifes and drums, cheers…all louder.]

MARY:  Will, there’s John!  I see John! 

WILL:  Yes, dear.

MARY:  Will…I…I don’t see Henry!  Will!  Will!  [Music.]  


[Woman crying softly.]  

JOHN:  [Gently.]  You see, Pa, there wasn’t anything we could do…not anything.  It was very dark and there were only five or six of us, and I don’t know how many of them, but a lot, from all the yelling and shooting.  Only…I…do…know it was very quick and easy, because Henry didn’t call or…anything.  You…you know what I mean, Pa.
WILL:  Yes, I know.  And thank God for that.
JOHN:  Ma, you mustn’t cry.  You mustn’t.  I…I’ll try to make up to you, Ma…for Henry’s going.  I mean…I’ll try to take his place as well as mine, if…if I can.

MARY:  Oh, John!  My darling son.

WILL:  There, there, Mary, dear.  You must try to sleep now.  [Music.]



NARRATOR:  Now the thunder was fainter in the north as the storm of war rolled toward its end.  In constantly increasing numbers the returning troops passed through Dayton, crowned with victory, but weary of the struggle.  Some were weak and broken, and these received tender care at the hands of Dayton’s women.  All received the hero’s welcome they deserved.  At last there came the news of Perry’s glorious victory on Lake Erie.  The war was over.  On an early autumn Sunday the people of Dayton gave fitting thanks.  [Music.]


[Bells tolling.]

NEWCOM:  Mornin’, Deacon.  Nice day for church-goin’.

VOICE:  Morning, Colonel Newcom.  Mrs. Newcom…Morning, Mrs. Thompson…Morning, Mrs. Van Cleve.  Hope the baby’s well…Morning, Mr. Cooper…Church is just about full, but you’ll find a seat somewhere.  [Music.]



[Last notes of bells die.]  (PAUSE.)

VOICE:  Let us pray.  (PAUSE.)  Our Heavenly Father, we raise our voices in humble Thanksgiving to Thee.  Thou hast brought Thy people through the Valley of the Shadow.  Thou hast restored to us our freedom, as Thou hast given us of Thy peace.  During the strife now ended it has pleased Thee to take unto Thyself some of Thy children who were a little time with us, and in our sorrow we bow our heads to Thy wisdom.  But Thou hast given us, with Thy peace, a better understanding.  Thou hast made us a better people, a better nation.  [Music up gently.]  Give us Thy blessing and …[Music.]



NARRATOR:  So ends the story of Dayton’s part in one of the crucial trials of the nation.  Peace and security were coming to America, and with them the chance for Dayton to grow and prosper.  (PAUSE.)  Next week we shall present “Here Comes the Stage!”, a dramatization of the eventful days when Dayton formed its first link of travel and communication with the outer world.  We shall see how the stage lines brought new citizens, new trade, new promise of progress to Dayton.



ANNOUNCER:  Through supplying gas, electric light and power, and city steam service, to the homes, businesses and industries of Dayton, our sponsors, The Dayton Power and light Company, feel that they have a close part and interest not only in the Dayton of yesterday and today, but in the still greater Dayton of the future.  And it is to help in promoting civic spirit and civic advancement that they present this program to the people of Dayton.  (PAUSE.)  We would like to have you, your family and your friends as our guests at the Dayton Art Institute, where these broadcasts originate.  To accept this invitation, just go to the Gas and Electric Building at 25 North Main Street.  Ask for “The Great Days in Dayton” box-office on the ground floor.  There you will find as many free tickets as you want for next Sunday or for any future performance.  (PAUSE.)  All parts in these dramatic programs are played by members of the professional company of the Dayton Civic Theatre.  Your narrator was Charles McLean.  Your announcer is Morton DaCosta.  Broadcasts are at five o’clock each Sunday afternoon over Station WHIO.  Don’t miss next Sunday’s program.  Be sure to tune in for another dramatic presentation of “Great days in Dayton.”


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